BALTIMORE ARTIST-RUN Is Part Of A New Paradigm That Provides A Fascinating Account Of The Art World As A Matrix Of Interconnected Resources And Participation.  We Recognize The Important Role, The Artist Plays In Historical Cultural Landscape As Activists, Collaborators, Collectors, Artists, Researchers, Educators, Curators, And Gallerists…

Over the past several years, Baltimore artists have harnessed a unique aspect of the cultural landscape and emerged as leaders in an important movement: the self-organized. These artists, acting under their own direction, have influenced how art is seen and understood globally.  BALTIMORE ARTIST-RUN honors the artistic forces currently transforming culture, both in Baltimore and worldwide.

Like many influential curators, collectors, and critics of the past, artists acting as social researchers, critics, writers, and gallerists are now driving the learning society. Within the context of the self-organized, the elements of cultural meaning-making—exploration, questioning, and discovery—play a central role.