Audra Wolowiec Concrete Sound

concrete sound
cast concrete with pigment
artist book publication in collaboration with christine shan shan hou
2011 - 2014

based on acoustic foam used in anechoic chambers, this modular series of cast concrete sculptures explore the physicality of sound through shifts in materiality to create muted objects and landscapes. concrete is etymologically linked to language as explored through concrete poetry and attention is drawn to early communication devices: on the coasts of england, large cement domes called 'acoustic mirrors' now lay dormant as reminders of the tactile nature of analog technology.

the collaborative publication, CONCRETE SOUND, was based on an email exchange of images and text over a one-month period—a dialogic experiment in the poetics of responding. a second printing of the publication (edition of 100) is currently available at blonde art books in the render visible library, gwarlingo, and counterpath press.

Ryan Compton Project 2

project 2 

paper glue, book binding thread




project 2 is a collection of 24 drawing, japanese stab stitch bound book, edition of 19, on black paper.  the images are open and close architectural forms and space that are base on isometric paper. the book is set up to explore bear trace of labor by the drawing being embossed into the paper. this create a process of deep looking and the viewer become more present with the art. moving the book the light catches in the groves on the paper to make a more interactive process of looking and reading. this was inspire from reacting with the image saturation New York.